Most Effective Ways to gain a Better Memory
05 Nov, 2021
Mental Wellbeing
Do you wonder if it’s possible to improve your own or your loved one’s memory? Help definitely exists. And you don’t have to buy some overhyped “miracle” brain booster to start enhancing your ability to remember things. In fact, many of the most effective ways to gain a better memory involve actions that you can take today—without spending a lot of money.
1. Use the Method of Loci and Other Practical Tricks
Often referred to as the method of loci, this mnemonic technique goes back at least as far as the ancient Greeks. aids, helping preliterate civilizations easily recall vast stores of critical knowledge. Here’s how it works: First, you choose a physical place that’s very familiar to you, such as your house, a local walking path, or a regular driving route. Then, you visualize that place in your mind, creating a precise mental journey based on distinct objects or landmarks. You’ll creatively associate each piece of information you want to remember with a particular object or landmark that’s part of your mental journey or memory palace.
In addition to visualization, many older adults have success with other easy and practical memory-enhancing methods. Here are some examples:
- Chunking: When trying to memorize a long sequence of numbers or a long list of words or items, break them down into smaller groupings.
- Acrostics and acronyms: Create a short poem out of a word or sequence of letters that you need to remember.
- Planning and organization: Keep a notebook or day planner handy that has a calendar and plenty of space for writing down your various activities and appointments..
- Talking out loud: Just like writing stuff down helps your brain put information into long-term memory, so does talking about it.
- Varied repetition: When learning new information and trying to retain it for later use, it’s helpful to review it multiple times—over time—in different ways.
- Cues and reminders: Give yourself visual or auditory prompts to help you remember the things you need to do.
- Doodling: Did you know that drawing “absentmindedly” may actually be good for your powers of attention and recall?
2. Get Your Health Checked
Many kinds of medical conditions can cause or contribute to memory loss. So it’s always wise to see your doctor if you notice any cognitive issues that don’t seem to be going away on their own. Of course, most of us immediately think of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia as possible culprits. But forgetfulness can also be caused by a number of other conditions. In addition, many types of medication can interfere with memory.
3. Keep Challenging Yourself
Mental stimulation is vital. But in order to improve your memory, you need to do more than what you are already good at. You need to keep learning new things. The more you challenge your brain, the more you can potentially enhance your memory.
4. Improve Your Sleep Habits
Quality nights of sleep are essential for the consolidation of our memories. So if you’re having trouble remembering things, you may not be getting enough good sleep.
5. Remove Distractions & Sources of Stress
Mental strain and emotional tension can act as major barriers to the creation and retrieval of memories. That’s especially true if you are chronically distracted or stressed out.
6. Get Frequent Exercise
By regularly doing activities that increase your heart rate and get your blood pumping more quickly, you can boost the amount of oxygen your brain receives.
7. Socialise and Have Fun
When you interact with other people in a positive way, you reap cognitive benefits. And when you laugh and engage in fun activities, you can maximize those benefits.
8. Consider Dietary Changes
When it comes to protecting your memory, many experts also recommend drinking plenty of water and minimizing your consumption of fried foods, red meat, refined sugars, and heavily processed foods as much as possible.

Older adults who take proactive steps to prevent memory loss are often more adaptable, independent, and satisfied during their senior years.